Welcome to the UCSC NSBE chapter website!
Our Mission statement is:
“to increase the number of culturally responsible Black engineers and scientists who excel academically, succeed professionally and positively impact the community.”
Welcome to the official page of National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) UC Santa Cruz branch.
What is NSBE?
NSBE stands for National Society of Black Engineers. We represent the UC Santa Cruz branch of NSBE. NSBE provides excellent resources, opportunities and community for any individual looking to do well in college. Students of all majors and ethnicities are encouraged to attend. NSBE has a strong focus on helping Black STEM and STEM students tp be successful in college and beyond. Join us and take advantage of the great opportunities NSBE has to offer, for yourself, Black engineers, and the wider community. We are helping to diversify the community one Engineer at a time.
Excellence in Diversity
Building Community
How to Join
If you are interested in joining, attend one off our meetings, email us at nsbe@ucsc.edu, or visit our link tree below.
Tuesday, 7:30 PM., Baskin Engineering 2, 399